Monday, January 20, 2020

Your Bread Is Covered In Glyphosate! Switch To Something Healthier!

Hey, Health Stoppers!

Looking for a simple way to make a positive impact on your health?
Switch out your bread! If you're still eating the standard American wheat bread (white bread is wheat bread, guys), you are doing your body a huge disservice. It is common knowledge that American-grown wheat is doused with Round-Up and glyphosate herbicides to kill weeds. These herbicides are absorbed into the wheat shaft, into the cells of plantThey DO NOT go away when the wheat is harvested, nor when it is processed and baked into the bread you serve on your table! If you are consuming American wheat bread, you are consuming herbicides!
Consumption of herbicides can harm your gut biome, disrupting your digestion. They also can cause hormonal imbalances, birth defects, psychological impairments such as ADHD, Autism, Depression, heart issues, have been linked to various cancers, respiratory illnesses, reproductive issues, and obesity.
What a time to go gluten free!
What alternatives are there? Many! But many of them have a different taste and texture than traditional white breads, or may be full of GMOs. We happen to carry a bread that tastes like a delicious traditional white bread, and is GMO-free! It is sure to be a family favorite on the breakfast table!
DeLand Bakery's millet-based breads are wheat-free, delicious, and VERY comparable to your standard white bread. They make for great sandwiches, and toast! We have two varieties available, the Millet Zucchini, comprised of millet flour, zucchini, and other vegetables. The magic of this recipe is that you would never taste the vegetables! Instead it feels like you're biting into a light, fluffy white bread! The second option is the Millet Special, which has brown rice flour instead of the vegetables, giving it a heavier, grainier texture.
Switching out your bread is a small step you can make toward better health; and as you can see, it could make a BIG impact! Do yourself and your family a favor : upgrade from standard American wheat. Make 2020 the healthiest year yet!

Invigorate Your Diet With Microgreens!

Hey, Health Stoppers!

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What are they?
Baby plants, which hold a higher concentration of nutrients than their larger, adult relatives. 40 times more nutrient dense, in fact!
Microgreens show a wider variety of polyphenols and other antioxidants than mature greens. Vitamin concentrations have been shown to be higher.
Most varieties of microgreens tend to be high in potassium, zinc, iron, magnesium, and copper.

Why Should I Include Microgreens In My Diet?

Besides getting more bang for you buck, microgreens ensure that you will meet your daily nutritional quotients more efficiently than when consuming adult greens.
Not only do they contain more nutrients for less volume, but their nutrient levels are so high they may stand in equivalence to greens powders - with the added benefit of holding the living energy of a fresh harvest!

Different Microgreens + Their Benefits

Protein, amino acids, vitamins A, B, C, E, niacin
Helps with glucose, diabetes, cholesterol, energy, detox
Calcium, iron, phosphorous, sulforaphane, vitamins A, C
Anti-cancer properties, heart health, sun damage
Pak Choi
Beta-carotene, iron, vitamins C, E and K
Promotes eye health and vision, skin elasticity, blood + bone health
Pea Shoots
Fiber, folate, vitamin A, C, protein
Good for heart health, anti-inflammation, weight loss
Red Acre Cabbage
Vitamin C, E, A, antioxidants, bet a carotene, fiber, thiamine
Promotes cardiovascular health, lowers LDL cholesterol
Sunflower Shoots
Complete protein, amino acids, folic acid, zinc, vitamin B complex
Supports muscle tissue repair, healthy gut, pregnancy

Other Benefits Of Microgreens Include :

Protection against heart disease
Lowered chance of alzheimers
Blood sugar regulation and reduced incidence of diabetes
Protection against certain cancers
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Sold! Where Can I Get My Microgreens?

Microgreens are now available at The Health Stop! Locally and organically grown, we get our microgreens fresh from the source!
We've partnered with a local grower to provide you with bi-weekly shipments of microgreens. For 45$ a month, you will receive two shipments, on the 1st and 3rd Saturdays of each month. Each shipment will consist of 4 containers of sunflower shoots, pea shoots, seasonal brassica mix and an herb!
The first order will be available on January 18th - your monthly cost will be adjusted to reflect this for your January subscription.
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Awesome! I'm Ready To Start!

Great! Give us a call, or come into the store, or check out this link !
Eating healthy doesn't have to be difficult - and with microgreens, it's easier than ever! :) Sprinkle some on your salads, in your sandwiches, or eat them straight out of the box! 2020 will be your healthiest year yet!

Monday, January 6, 2020

The Surprising Benefits of Oregano Oil

Hey, Health Stoppers!

We hope you had a safe and happy holiday! And healthy, too. Maybe you’re wondering what you can do to be even healthier in 2020? We recommend oregano oil!
If you’re going to keep one oil in your cabinet, have it be oregano oil! Oregano oil’s benefits are diverse and many, making it a helpful for for pretty much anything.
Oregano Oil is a powerful antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal, and antiparasite, meaning any harmful pathogens swimming around in your body will be evacuated from premesis with no trouble at all.
Oregano Oil has powerful benefits for supporting the body against allergens and inflammations, boosting the immune system and fighting off any free radicals that may be causing the body distress.
Oregano Oil has even been found to help provide relief to arthritic conditionsmenstrual cramps and gastrointestinal disorders !
Clogged sinuses, earaches and even urinary tract infections can say GOODBYE with oregano oil on your side!
Additionally, oregano oil only affects harmful invaders. It will not destroy your gut flora, making it totally safe for your biome.
This powerful ally is one you’ll want to have around in your medicine cabinet at the first sign that something is off! Because as the old saying goes... You don’t have time for that!
Apples may keep the doctor at bay... but oregano oil keeps the harmful bacteria, fungi, parasites and viruses away!

Your Bread Is Covered In Glyphosate! Switch To Something Healthier!

Hey, Health Stoppers! Looking for  a simple way  to make a  positive impact on your health ? Switch out your bread!  I...