Hey, Health Stoppers! |
Looking for a simple way to make a positive impact on your health?
Switch out your bread! If you're still eating the standard American wheat bread (white bread is wheat bread, guys), you are doing your body a huge disservice. It is common knowledge that American-grown wheat is doused with Round-Up and glyphosate herbicides to kill weeds. These herbicides are absorbed into the wheat shaft, into the cells of plant. They DO NOT go away when the wheat is harvested, nor when it is processed and baked into the bread you serve on your table! If you are consuming American wheat bread, you are consuming herbicides!
Consumption of herbicides can harm your gut biome, disrupting your digestion. They also can cause hormonal imbalances, birth defects, psychological impairments such as ADHD, Autism, Depression, heart issues, have been linked to various cancers, respiratory illnesses, reproductive issues, and obesity.
What a time to go gluten free!
What alternatives are there? Many! But many of them have a different taste and texture than traditional white breads, or may be full of GMOs. We happen to carry a bread that tastes like a delicious traditional white bread, and is GMO-free! It is sure to be a family favorite on the breakfast table!
DeLand Bakery's millet-based breads are wheat-free, delicious, and VERY comparable to your standard white bread. They make for great sandwiches, and toast! We have two varieties available, the Millet Zucchini, comprised of millet flour, zucchini, and other vegetables. The magic of this recipe is that you would never taste the vegetables! Instead it feels like you're biting into a light, fluffy white bread! The second option is the Millet Special, which has brown rice flour instead of the vegetables, giving it a heavier, grainier texture.
Switching out your bread is a small step you can make toward better health; and as you can see, it could make a BIG impact! Do yourself and your family a favor : upgrade from standard American wheat. Make 2020 the healthiest year yet!