Thursday, December 14, 2017

JUST PRESS RESET. This Detox is Hard Core.

Been considering a cleanse or a detox,
but feel like it won't make the life changing impact 
you truly desire?

Want something hard core?
Life affirming?
A true, clean you out,
eliminate your cravings,
turn you into a newer, healthier,
improved version of yourself?

Consider :
Natural Factors Detoxitech
Total Nutritional Cleanse !

Detoxitech is a low-allergy-potential supplement
designed to provide sophisticated nutritional support to improve detoxification
and to
assist in the elimination of 
internally generated natural body toxins. 

Detoxitech may also be used as a nutritional foundation for 
an intensive and energy restoring detoxification.

What is detoxitech?
- A delicious, low allergy-potential smoothie mix, providing nutritional support and detoxification.
- A blend of antioxidants, phytochemicals, and other nutrients 
- Detoxitech will cleanse your gastrointestinal tract and reduce, if not eliminate, your cravings for sugar, alcohol and caffeine - assuming instructions are properly followed, and you stay away from the offending substances during the cleanse (highly recommended; and don't worry, the cleanse tends to make this an easier task than usual).
It's about time for some spring cleaning, anyway,
isn't it?
- The Health Stop

This information is provided for educational and entertainment purposes only. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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