Hey, Health Stoppers! |
Today dawns the Spring Equinox - a day when night and day share equal hours. It is not only the awakening of Spring, but a time of ultimate balance. Being the first quarter of the Year, it is also a good time to check in on the goals and resolutions we made in January ...
Checking in on our goals, our health, and our inner balance.
The health of the physical body is an important aspect of overall balance. And one of the factors of physical balance is the intake of proper nutrients, vitamins, and minerals.
We eat as healthy as we can, but unless we are getting top shelf organic grown in nutrient dense soil, even the healthiest foods can leave us depleted - especially if we are exposed to local chemicals, consume caffeine/alcohol, experience stress, or participate in other depleting activities... and let's face it, in this modern world, many of us do.
A daily multivitamin can work wonders, providing the body with a potent dose of what it needs, to ensure optimal energy levels, efficient cell growth, healthy hair and nails, a rockin' immune system, balanced hormones and all of those lovely processes that make up a healthy, effective human being.
There are many multivitamins available, and we have many brands to offer - but our number one recommendation is always Megafood. Why? Megafood is food based, making it more absorbable, meaning your body won't accidentally flush out any in the digestive process. You will be getting 100% of the supplied nutrients, and feeling 100% amazing, as a result!
A Multivitamin a Day, Keeps the Doctor Away!
Happy Spring Equinox! <3
This Month's Featured Item |
To Prevent Seasonal Allergies... Take Local Honey NOW
We know it's February ... But think forward to April.
Are you, your kids, or someone you're acquainted with, prone to seasonal allergies? Are their noses always running, their throats choked up, congested, fatigued, puffy eyed, nursing a box of Benadryl?
Well... There's a way to prevent ALL of this.
And that, friends, is with LOCAL HONEY.
Taking a spoonful of local honey a day introduces low doses of local polleninto the system of the consumer, thereby slowly building up their immunityto local pollen over time.
Immunity to local pollen = No more allergies!!
However, we stress, that this TAKES TIME. So it is best to start early, like way before allergy season even begins, like now.
A few months of local honey, and your allergy symptoms are sure to be much less severe than they were last year, if not entirely non-existent!
And we'd like to mention, our honey is SUPER local, sourced right out of Ringwood, New Jersey! Their pollen will be relevant to your needs.
Stuck on your Benadryl? Are you guys best friends?
Allow us to gently remind you of the side effects of allergy medications :
- Drowsiness - Blurred Vision - Dizziness - Blood disorders - Racing heart - Headaches - Hives, Rashes, Itching - Loss of appetite - Tinnitus - Throat dryness
However... the "side effects" of local honey are a lot more fun.
Local Honey "side effects" include :
- Countering pollen allergies(as previously mentioned!)
- Boosting of the immune system; honey is an antioxidant powerhouse! - Fosters the release of melatonin in the brain, helping you sleep better! - A great tool in blood sugar management, specifically in combination with cinnamon! - Helps treat coughing and sore throat - Contains enzymes which assist digestion, IBS disorders, etc - Contains vitamins such as folate, B2, C, B6, B5, B3 - Contains minerals calcium, copper, iodine, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, selenium, sodium, and zinc - Tastes amazing!
Ready to switch to local honey? You know you are!
But remember, not just any honey will do... Your best bet is consuming locally sourced honey, from your specific region.
Commercially processed honeys are typically devoid of all of the above mentioned benefits, and their pollen will also simply not be relevant to you... if there is any pollen left, after processing, that is.
Nip seasonal allergies in the bud, now! Go Local!
This information is provided for educational and entertainment purposes only. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Love Always,
The Health Stop <3
This information is provided for educational and entertainment purposes only. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
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