Hey, Health Stoppers! |
Vitamin D, one of the few vitamins and minerals that humans can acquire from non-food sources ... our bodies manufacture it simply by standing in the sun! However, maybe you've noticed ... there hasn't been that much sunlight recently. Snowstorms, rain showers, cloudy days, coupled with New Jersey's awkward distance from the equator, has put even the most diligent sun lover in danger of Vitamin D deficiency.
How can one tell if they are Vitamin D deficient?
Well, first thing, ask your doctor for a blood test. This is the tried and true method of discovering any vitamin or mineral deficiency in the body.
Secondly, however, are a host of symptoms that accompany the ailment.
Vitamin D Deficiency Symptoms Include ....
Lingering exhaustion and muscle weakness
Changes in mood - anxiety and depression Decreased endurance Frequent colds or infections High or increased blood pressure Thinning or weakened bones, osteoporosis Unexplained infertility Cardiovascular issues Respiratory issues General crankiness
Those are some pretty serious issues.. and to think, they could be easily solved with the supplementation of something so simple.
Low vitamin D levels in the blood have in fact been linked with higher incidents of premature death.. this simple deficiency is no joke.
Vitamin D deficiency affects something in the ballpark of 85% of Americans, according to Dr. Joseph Mercola. That means that you could easily be one of them.. and if you spend your weekdays in a 9-5 job, and live in New Jersey (that equatorial proximity) you very well could be.
But Vitamin D deficiency is easily reparable. A dose of 1,000 IU a day is enough to satisfy most requirements, and it can prove life changing.
Stop in today, pick up a Vitamin D, and you'll be on your way to sunnier days... even with cloud covered skies!
This information is provided for educational and entertainment purposes only. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
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