Hey, Health Stoppers! |
We live in a technology-dominant age.
Radio, Wifi and Cellular frequencies permeate the air, a smartphone is in every pocket, Bluetooth headsets and car communicators have become a way of life. In addition to this, we are, one might say, a heavily 'electric' society.
Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs) are everywhere, whether they are coming from your Macbook Air or your refrigerator. Whether this is a positive or negative thing is up to you to discern, however it has been found that exposure to EMFs can lead, at the very least, to heightened tension and anxiety. At most, they have been classified as 'possible human carcinogenics'.
What can we do about it?
Short of moving out of our convenient technological metropolis and living off grid, there are few things we can do to limit our exposure to EMFs, outside of keeping our cell phones away, or turning off devices in our homes. However, a new technology has been created which limits the harmful effects of EMFs on the human body. This is GIA.
GIA has created patented cell phone cases, pendants and and other deviceswhich put out a frequency of their own, that effectively neutralizes EMF frequencies, as well as strengthens the resilience of your body's biofield to electromagnetic stress.
How Does GIA Work?
"Man-made electromagnetic fields radiate with steady, regular oscillations or pulses with constant frequencies. However, natural electromagnetic fields are highly irregular, with random and mixed frequencies and waveform." (1)
It has been discovered that man-made frequencies had a detrimental, negative effect on biological cells, whereas the natural frequencies did not. They called this natural electromagnetic field with random and mixed frequencies and waveform, “Noise Field”. (1)
These Noise Field frequencies, when imposed over man-made frequencies, act to neutralize the negative effects of EMFs.
GIA products contain this Noise Field techology.
GIA Technology allows you to thrive in an increasingly stressful and wireless world! They are designed to address the effects of daily stressors*, including EMFs and electromagnetic radiation.
We personally recommend the GIA Pendants, Cell Guard cell phone casesand Cell Guard applications, which can be placed onto any electronic device. Additionally, we recommend GIA's SmartMeter Defender, which provides radiation protection against SmartMeters. If you recall our email on SmartMeters a few months ago, they are being introduced to homes in our area by local electric companies, and some of our customers have had them installed without even being notified. If you are curious has to the impact of SmartMeters on human health, you can find this information on the internet.
If you are interested in fortifying yourself with GIA technology, it is available for special order at The Health Stop in store, or you can access these, and more great products, through our Gia Wellness Shop!
We would like to state that we are behind their Energy line at the moment, but are still researching their other products. After months of thorough study, the Energy line is the one we stand behind. We are still doing research on their other products, and will keep you posted on our findings! :)
If you have any questions regarding GIA technology, drop by the shop and we can offer an in-person demonstration regarding the impacts of the GIA technology on the human body.
When life gives you EMF soup ... Learn to swim in it! :)
For more Information, Check out this video from The Truth About Cancer;GIA Products are mentioned here!