Hey, Health Stoppers! |
The Holidays are upon us! And they are a time of togetherness, joy and cheer - but also happen to fall during the most volatile time of year! And by that, we mean temperature drops, fluctuation and general chilliness - which tend to make us feel a little less pepped than usual.. sometimes leading to a cold. Booooo!!!!
And who wants to feel less than perfect during the holidays? No one! We want to feel amazing when rekindling with our friends, families and flames- we owe it to OURSELVES (and company) to keep our immune systems UP.
Elderberry is known as one of the top antivirals in the world, known by The Father of Medicine himself (Hippocrates) as his "medicine chest", given its multitude of health benefits.
Taking a shot of elderberry syrup a day can shut down any virus before you even feel it!
Want extra fortification? Wellness Formula is where it's at. Containing over twenty different immuno boosters and anti-virals, this is THE defense against cold and flu baddies. Feeling a little low? Wellness Formula will put a stop to whatever ails you. Feeling fine but want some insurance against potential viruses? Wellness Formula is there for you... Every. Day.
As an added bonus, Wellness Formula is a great preventative. Getting on a plane for the holidays? Taking a dose of Wellness Formula will keep you safe from any germs that may dare come your way!
Feel like you're coming down with something really terrible... and fast? Like the flu?
Sometimes a simple antiviral won't work... in this case, we recommend Oscillococcinum, a homeopathic remedy that cuts flu symptoms (and duration) in half.And seriously, the flu is one thing you do not want to experience.
In the event that your immunity isn't fully boosted by our above mentioned protocol, and you DO end up with a cold (we're talking waterworks - runny noses, stuffiness, the whole show), Umcka's got you covered! Umcka helps reduce the severity of colds, and shorten their duration. You'll be back to feeling like yourself in no time!
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