Hey, Health Stoppers! |
There's something about summer that gets us contemplating self improvement .... maybe it's all the free time we have to think. But still, self reflection can be positive, giving us an impetus to transform ourselves!
There are many avenues for self transformation ... One such being our new line of vibrational essences. There are 6 'flavors', each with it's own unique transformational journey!
Spiderwort & Shasta Daisy
Release & purify negative energies
When we are surrounded by energetic interference — from friends, family, strangers, technology, and more — we can feel cluttered in mind, body, and spirit. Spiderwort & Shasta Daisy allow us to release and cleanse not only the heavy energies of others but also our own toxic thought patterns. They guard against radioactivity, violence, disease, and general negativity. These allies will clear your energy field so that your own pure light can shine brightly.
Pine & Magnolia
Move through transitions with ease & grace
Pine & Magnolia essence helps us to shift perspective with support and love from your ancestors and angels. They help us to gently release what no longer serves us in order to welcome our next transformation with abundant joy. We stand in our power as this delicate, powerful duo urges us to see beyond what we believe. Allow yourself to ground into the wild & unfurl to the spirit.
Hibiscus & Boungainvillea
Let your true self shine.
Move past doubt, fear, and shyness to manifest & embody your wildest dreams. Be comforted by the security of your own-self love and ignited by the sensuality of the universe. Hibiscus & Bougainvillea help us to feel protected in our vulnerabilities, gracious in our divinity, and secure in our idiosyncrasies. Strip away your fears and let your beauty be seen.
Morning Glory & Black Eyed Susan
Climb to greater heights with resilience and gratitude
Morning Glory & Black Eyed Susan help us to release any traumas, negativity, struggles, and old stories that have pained us and to use the disturbed dirt to grow into something more beautiful. Always colorful, always seeding, always spreading, these allies show us what it means to truly enjoy the garden of life. The lush beauty of Earth is all around us, even in the ugly, and this essence will open your eyes to the wild wonder of it.
White Orchid & Star Jasmine
Rebirth the soul & connect to the heavens
Esoteric, eccentric, and ethereal, White Orchid & Star Jasmine show us the clarity of our soul’s true purpose. They ease us into an embodiment of our highest potential with full use of our strengths and powers while connecting us to the unseen spirit world around us. Both metaphorical and literal, the gifts of these allies will surprise and astound you. Take a ride to the stars.
Elecampane & Rose of Sharon
Embrace imperfection & seize new opportunities.
Oftentimes, our expectations and our realities do not match and we can struggle to enjoy our circumstances. Elecampane & Rose of Sharon show us the path of true acceptance as we root deeply, release perceptions, and reach towards our highest desires. These allies remind us to exhale our old ways and to inhale the gentle, profound sweetness of our ever-changing landscape.
These essences are purely vibrational, containing no actual plant matter in them... so if you have any allergies, don't fret! Anyone can reap the benefits of flower essences! :)