Bach Flower Remedies!
Are there small incongruities in your state of beingthat leave you generally dissatisfied?
Do you suffer from fears, anxieties, worries?
Perhaps an internal boiling dissatisfaction? Anger?
Do you feel like something is off, or wrong, but are unable to pinpoint the exact origin?
Or do you perhaps have an idea of what is causing your inner tension, but are finding yourself unableto act upon it?
Bach Remedies, 38 different formulas, each based off of an individual flower essence -
Examples include :
Agrimony - For those who hide their problems behind a cheerful face
Aspen - For those who have fears and worries of an unknown origin
Beech - For those who are intolerant of others
Cherry Plum - For those who fear losing control
Clematis - For dreaminess, those who lack interest in the present
Hornbeam - For the 'Monday Morning' feeling
Impatiens - For those who are impatient
Larch - For those who lack of confidence
Mimulus - Those who fear known things
Olive - For lack of energy
Wild Oat - Uncertainty as to correct path in life
Etc, etc, etc Some background history :
'Dr. Bach identified 38 basic negative states of mind, and created a corresponding plant- or flower-based remedy for each one.
He sought a safe, simple, and pure method
He sought a safe, simple, and pure method
of healing his patients that would take into consideration their individual mental and emotional makeup. He found that certain flower essences stimulated self-healing in his patients by clearing the negative emotional factors that affected their state of health.
Dr. Bach's remedies are derived from non-poisonous plants, shrubs, and trees, and are prepared by heating the flowers in spring water with sunlight, or boiling them to extract their healing essences. These flower essences are completely safe, non-toxic, non-addictive, and may be used in conjunction with any other conventional medical or holistic treatment. While Bach essences are not taken for physical symptoms, the body often heals itself once emotional balance is restored.'
That's 11 out of 38 examples;
They spare no expense on specification.
Additionally, Bach Remedies features the popular Rescue Remedy, specifically designed for instant relief from stress, anxiety and providing instant psychological relief.
Rescue Remedy Gel, for stress-related pains and muscle tension.
Rescue Remedy Sleep, for a restful nights sleep.
And Rescue Remedy Pets, for when your pet is in a state of fear or discomfort.
Bach Remedies also offers a free questionnaire
Bach Remedies also offers a free questionnaire
, offered here at the Health Stop, that takes a few moments to fill out and identify exactly which remedy would benefit you!
We've used them ourselves in the past, and have found them to be extremely helpful.
We've used them ourselves in the past, and have found them to be extremely helpful.
Come take a look :)
This information is provided for educational and entertainment purposes only. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
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