Hey, Health Stoppers! |
Bee Pollen is BUZZING with Benefits!
Bee Pollen is considered one of nature's most nutritious foods. A complexsuperfood, bee pollen is rich in protein, essential amino acids, and important vitamins such as B-Complex and folic acid. Soooo...Vegetarians and Beegans Take Note!!! If you're a fan of nooch, or nutritional yeast for supplementing your diet, bee pollen could be your new favorite thing! Bee pollen has also been found to be a potent blood builder,balancing iron levels, and makes a great friend to anemia patients!
Bee pollen, being such a great blood builder, also improves strength and endurance in athletes! Bee pollen has been found to decrease pulse rates, and it's high protein content increases strength! Naturalist Francis Hubercalled bee pollen "the greatest body builder on Earth".
Bee pollen is more than a nutritional powerhouse, however; Bee pollen has been shown to normalize cholesterol and triglyceride levels! Even more amazing, bee pollen was shown to increase blood lymphocytes, aka, white blood cells. White blood cells are vital to a fully functional immune system, responsible for exorcising the body of disease, viruses, cell mutations, and more!
Bee pollen has been found to stimulate ovarian function, regulatemenstruation, and boost fertility in women.
One of bee pollen's most renowned claims to fame is it's positive effects on seasonal allergies. Ingesting local bee pollen increases your immunity to seasonal allergens, providing relief and immunity to conditions such as hay fever, pollen-induced asthma, allergy-induced bronchitis and headaches, and more! But DON'T WAIT until allergy season to start taking bee pollen! Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither is allergen immunity! Start NOW, in winter, and your allergy symptoms may never appear come spring time!
And if we haven't said enough, bee pollen is also a reputed ally in weight loss and control! Bee pollen is found to correct imbalances in the metabolism that may cause unexplained weight gain AND loss. As mentioned previously, bee pollen regulates lipoproteins, lowering cholesterol and protecting against heart disease.
Bee pollen is naturally high in phenylalanine, a natural appetite suppressent, which actually acts as an appetite stimulant if your body needs to gain weight! So whether you're overweight, or underweight, bee pollen will serve your needs!
Bee pollen is ALSO found to have positive effects on the appearence of skin and complexion, protecting against dehydration, wrinkles, darkening, and increases blood circulation to the face! Bee pollen has been found to assist the body in the formation of new tissues and is indeed shown to be anti-aging. YAY.
Seriously, how could anyone say "NO" to bee pollen? After doing our research, we can tell you... we have said "YES, PLEASE!!!"
Doesn't hurt that it tastes good, too! :)
[ Information in this article has been sourced from http://www.mercola.com/article/diet/bee_pollen.htm ; thanks guys!]
This information is provided for educational and entertainment purposes only. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
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