The Secret to Becoming all you Desire in 2018:
Leave 2017 Behind!
The previous year brought us a lot. Laughs, Tears, New Friends, Memories Made, Ambitions Achieved, and inevitably, some indulgence here and there.
Last Valentine's Day's chocolates? Pints on St Patrick's Day? Barbecue on the 4th of July? Mojitos at the cabana bar? Pumpkin Spice Lattes? Autumnal morning muffins? Your kid's Halloween candy? Thanksgiving dinner (and leftovers)? Holiday treats, New Years Eve, that great end of the year bender that we all regret the next morning?
We've made our point.
We're also about to do it all over again.
There is nothing wrong with a little indulgence. But your body definitely appreciates a nice cleanse once in a while. And what better time to cleanse than beginning of a New Year?
Cleansing eliminates the whatever waste remains in your body from previous consumption. You could be a clean eater, having never touched that sugar/fat/alcohol/caffeine-laden delight that everyone else around you was enjoying (kudos), and due to simply living in our modern world,being exposed to pollutants, pesticides, chemicals and stress, you could still benefit from a detox.
Detoxes go beyond cleansing the digestive and elimination system (though they definitely do that). They also cleanse the entire body, we're talkingcleansing of the blood, major organs such as the liver, kidneys, spleen, gallbladder and so on. Also, as previously mentioned, the colon. Yayyy.
Cleanses, once complete, can leave you feeling more energized, more vibrant.They are known to eliminate brain fog, help you sleep better, and , leave your body in a more balanced state. Additionally, cleansing canassist with weight loss,and help jump start a new diet and exercise protocol by optimizing the functionality of your organs and digestive system. Basically, cleanses are overall beneficially for everyone, for any reason. Think of it as changing the oil in your car; it helps the engine last longer. Your body is same, in that respect. If you want to keep your body healthy and running smoothly, a cleanse now and then will do you good. Every 3,000 miles, make sure to cleanse your body!
Though there are many ways to cleanse, today we recommend three different, very potent cleanses, available here at the Health Stop.
2 of 3, we have Michael's Ultimate Detox & Cleanse, and Michael's Ultimate Detox , Cleanse & Rebuild. The first is a two week cleanse, containing herbal capsules which specifically target the blood, liver and fat metabolism, all while providing you with adequate fiber to assist in passing waste and toxins from your body!
Secondly, Michael's Ultimate Detox, Cleans & Rebuild is a 7-day supplywhich contains the aforementioned detox capsule PLUS their organic super defense food, a powdered drink which detoxes AND nourishes the body.
And if you're looking for something even more intense ...
Third! Natural Factor's RevitalX & Detoxitech a 7-Day Total Nutritional Cleanse, comprised of two powdered beverages and a daily capsule. The powders are intended to be taken as a meal replacement, resulting in an increased colonic cleansing and keeping you deeply nourished during the cleansing process. However, this cleanse is for SERIOUS CLEANSERS. It requires an entire dietary shift, working best when you are eating a vegetable rich, clean diet. But if you commit, this cleanse is POWERFUL, and will totally RESET YOUR BODY. So if you're looking for transformation, we recommend this one. And it'll get you into the habit of eating vegetables again! Definitely not a bad thing.
Cleanses are a great way to start your year off right! Get yourself in a new state of mind to tackle your goals, resolutions, or just to make this year even more awesome than the last! Ask us for more suggestions next time you see us. :) We'll steer you in the right direction.
This information is provided for educational and entertainment purposes only. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
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