Thursday, January 24, 2019

Adrenal Fatigue Is Nothing To Ignore - See What You Can Do About It!

Hey, Health Stoppers!

Do you experience relentless fatigue that you just can't shake? Does it feel like you're always tired? Are you reaching for a cup of coffee every fifteen minutes? And despite feeling like you're ready to fall over all day, are you unable to sleep when you finally get the chance? Insomnia, anyone?
You might be experiencing adrenal fatigue.
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Adrenal fatigue is one of the most pervasive ailments of the modern age.Continuous exposure to stimulation, be it physical or mental (coffee and Facebook scroll-holes, anyone?), leads to an over-taxing of the adrenal glands, resulting in an overproduction of cortisol, the 'stress hormone', and a decrease in DHEA.
The result of a high cortisol to DHEA level may be :
Reduced insulin sensitivity, reduced glucose utilization, and increased blood sugar, which may lead to diabetes.
Reduced secretory IgA (the main cellular defense factor), natural killer (NK) cell and T-lymphocyte activity which may lead to increased chances of getting infections such as Herpes, yeast overgrowth, and viral infections.
A block in calcium absorption results in an increased loss in bone mass. The demineralization of bone occurs, which may lead to osteoporosis.
Increased fat accumulation around the waist and protein breakdown. This may lead to muscle wasting, an inability to reduce weight.
An increased in water and salt retention, possibly leading to high blood pressure at first, with low blood pressure as the condition worsens.
Estrogen dominance, which may lead to PMS, uterine fibroids, and breast cancer.
As you can see, letting your adrenals get off balance is nothing to scoff at. In fact, they are something that you should pay a lot of attention to!Especially in a world where 'being stressed' is becoming more and more commonplace, we urge you to sit back and smell the roses. And if that's not enough.... take a formula that will nourish your adrenals for you!
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Blue Bonnet's Adrenal Support contains a unique blend of sustainably harvested or wildcrafted herbal extracts that help promote a healthy response to stress while maintaining energy levels. Essential nutrients important to maintaining the healthy production of adrenal hormones are also incorporated, making it a great formula to help the body adapt to stress in a balanced way!
Adrenal Support contains
Ashwaganada - Reduces cortisol levels; Reduces stress and anxiety
Cordyceps - Balances cortisol and stress hormones
Schisandra - Increases resistance to stress, promotes healthy energy levels
Holy Basil - Reduces stress and anxiety; promotes balance in body
Rhodiola - Encourages healthy response and resistance to stress
If you think your adrenals could use some balancing, pick up a bottle of Blue Bonnet's Adrenal Support formula today! New Year, No Stress!

DGL - The Overlooked Body Balancer, And A Life Saver For Indigestion!

Hey, Health Stoppers!

Licorice Root has been used as a remedy for centuries, however it contains a compound known as Glycyrrhizin which produces health complications in individuals with specific health conditions, such as those with blood pressure, liver or kidney issues. However, DGL (Deglycyrrhizinated Licorice Root Extract) has had it's Glycyrrhizin removed, allowing everyone to take Licorice without any risk of complication!
Now, you may be asking, what is Licorice Root good for?
Popularly, Licorice Root is recognized for its beneficial qualities in issues of the digestive system, such as heartburn, indigestion, nausea, stomach pain and and leaky gut! It is a powerful anti-inflammatory, and can help protect against ulcers.
In fact, Licorice Root has been found to work directly on the stomach lining. If you suffer from consistent digestive complicationschew a DGL tablet 20 minutes before a meal to glean it's full benefit. Additionally, DGL may be taken as needed.
However, Licorice Root also has many lesser known benefits, such as the regulation of cortisol. This makes it a powerful anti-stress remedy, and can assist your body in the recovery of its adrenal function, which plagues so many of us today in our fast-paced, coffee guzzling world.
Licorice Root also provides a significant boost to the immune system, and is helpful in treating coughs and sore throats, by loosening up trapped mucous in the respiratory tract.
Licorice contains beneficial phytoestrogens, which offer significant benefit to women who suffer from PMS and menopausal conditions. For shortening hot flashes, licorice root has been found to be more beneficial than hormone replacement therapy.
Licorice's anti-inflammatory benefits have also placed it in the category as a pain-reliever, assisting with abdominal, muscle cramps and joint pain.
Licorice Root's plethora of benefits makes it a difficult supplement to pass up. We keep DGL on hand at all times because it is so multi-faceted.. and at it's most basic, you never know when you might eat something weird and need relief! :P

Friday, January 11, 2019

Prioritize Self Care in 2019 - Take a Multivitamin!

Hey, Health Stoppers!

Looking for an extra boost to help you reach your goals this year?
Try a multivitamin!
We try our hardest to eat healthfully, but sometimes it's hard to meet our nutritional quotas each day. And though one day of falling short isn't a big deal, those days do add up! What is the result? Nutritional deficiencies; and those are no joke. Multivitamins fill in the nutritional gaps where your diet may be lacking. And that means no nutritional deficiency!
Multivitamin use has been found to boost energyslow aging, increase memory, improve mood, reduce risks of disease, and even improve weight loss! Multivitamin use can reduce hunger, as your body stops sending out hunger signals linked to the need for a specific nutrientMore nutrients = Less calories!
With so many benefits, there's really no reason to say "no" to a multivitamin. It's one of the easiest health decisions you could make, and certainly impactful!
Additionally, if we could recommend ONE multivitamin, THE BEST multivitaminwe would recommend Megafood multivitamins. Megafood supplements are food-based, not synthetic; meaning they are more bio-available within your body.
Synthetic vitamins are not as easily assimilated into the body. But not Megafood...Megafood brings increased nutrient absorption... which means more nutrients for you!
Start your 2019 off right with a multivitamin!
One per day to a healthier, happier new year! :)

Vitamin D - You're Probably Deficient, And What It Means For Long Term Health

Hey, Health Stoppers!

Vitamin D, the precious 'sunshine vitamin', is not as easy to obtain as its name suggests. Besides the fact that many of us don't spend enough time in the sun to accumulate an adequate level of Vitamin D, living at our specific location in relation to the equator puts us as a huge disadvantage. That's right. Living in New Jersey means you have access to less Vitamin D, overall. Don't let that change your opinion of the beautiful Garden State! But be in the know - your daily walk might not be enough to prevent a Vitamin D deficiency, specifically in these dark winter months!
The most common symptoms of Vitamin D deficiency include:
Neurological symptoms such as anxiety, depression and schizophrenia
Fatigue, sleep changes
Weak and aching bones and muscles
Impaired immune system; frequent coughs, colds and infections
Pale skin and dark circles under the eyes
Loss of appetite
Excessive sweating
long term Vitamin D deficiency can put you at risk for the following ailments:
Impaired neurological function
Circulatory and heart issues
Respiratory issues, such as asthma
Muscle aches and weakness
Rickets and Osteoporosis
Crohn's Disease
Multiple Sclerosis
Rheumatoid Arthritis

Vitamin D Is Nothing To Sneeze At!

Make sure to get your Vitamin D levels tested by your doctor to see where your Vitamin D levels are!
Protect your, and your family's health; take Vitamin D everyday!
Ask us for questions regarding recommendations and dosage :)

Safeguard Your 2019 With Oregano Oil!

Hey, Health Stoppers!

We hope you had a safe and happy holiday! And healthy, too. Maybe you’re wondering what you can do to be even healthier in 2019? We recommend oregano oil!
If you’re going to keep one oil in your cabinet, have it be oregano oil! Oregano oil’s benefits are diverse and many, making it a helpful for for pretty much anything.
Oregano Oil is a powerful antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal, and antiparasite, meaning any harmful pathogens swimming around in your body will be evacuated from premesis with no trouble at all.
Oregano Oil has powerful benefits for supporting the body against allergens and inflammations, boosting the immune system and fighting off any free radicals that may be causing the body distress.
Oregano Oil has even been found to help provide relief to arthritic conditionsmenstrual cramps and gastrointestinal disorders !
Clogged sinuses, earaches and even urinary tract infections can say GOODBYE with oregano oil on your side!
Additionally, oregano oil only affects harmful invaders. It will not destroy your gut flora, making it totally safe for your biome.
This powerful ally is one you’ll want to have around in your medicine cabinet at the first sign that something is off! Because as the old saying goes... You don’t have time for that!
Apples may keep the doctor at bay... but oregano oil keeps the harmful bacteria, fungi, parasites and viruses away!

Keep Your Immune System Up This Holiday Season!

Hey, Health Stoppers!

The Holidays are upon us! And they are a time of togetherness, joy and cheer - but also happen to fall during the most volatile time of year! And by that, we mean temperature dropsfluctuation and general chilliness - which tend to make us feel a little less pepped than usual.. sometimes leading to a cold. Booooo!!!!
And who wants to feel less than perfect during the holidays? No one! We want to feel amazing when rekindling with our friends, families and flames- we owe it to OURSELVES (and company) to keep our immune systems UP.
Elderberry is known as one of the top antivirals in the world, known by The Father of Medicine himself (Hippocrates) as his "medicine chest", given its multitude of health benefits.
Taking a shot of elderberry syrup a day can shut down any virus before you even feel it!
Want extra fortification? Wellness Formula is where it's at. Containing over twenty different immuno boosters and anti-virals, this is THE defense against cold and flu baddies. Feeling a little low? Wellness Formula will put a stop to whatever ails you. Feeling fine but want some insurance against potential viruses? Wellness Formula is there for you... Every. Day.
As an added bonus, Wellness Formula is a great preventative. Getting on a plane for the holidays? Taking a dose of Wellness Formula will keep you safe from any germs that may dare come your way!
Feel like you're coming down with something really terrible... and fast? Like the flu?
Sometimes a simple antiviral won't work... in this case, we recommend Oscillococcinum, a homeopathic remedy that cuts flu symptoms (and duration) in half.And seriously, the flu is one thing you do not want to experience.
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In the event that your immunity isn't fully boosted by our above mentioned protocol, and you DO end up with a cold (we're talking waterworks - runny noses, stuffiness, the whole show), Umcka's got you covered! Umcka helps reduce the severity of colds, and shorten their duration. You'll be back to feeling like yourself in no time!

Tis the Season To Give the Gift of CBD!

Hey, Health Stoppers!

stocking stuffer
Looking to make your holidays a little brighter?
Spreading cheer is everyone's goal, typically. We want our families and friends to be happy - it's just human nature.
But it's not always easy. Sometimes there are things we just can't make better... like someone's pain or anxiety.
Unless we can!
Chocolates, sweets and teas is are common gifts over the holiday season... so why not make them CBD? Give some one an opportunity to feel better, and introduce them to something they've never tried before. CBD is changing lives everyday - give your loved ones a chance to change theirs this holiday season! CBD chocolates, gummies and teas are the perfect stocking stufferfor someone that you love!
Maybe even gift a bottle of Quantum CBD water... because everyone drinks water! This way no one can yell at you for breaking their diet, either ;)
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Customize Your Water With Crystals!

Hey, Health Stoppers!

You already charge your environment with your crystals ... did you know that you can charge your water, too?
By placing crystals within close proximity of water, the water itself begins to take on the essence of the crystals, harmonizing with their vibration. But it isn't always practical (OR SAFE) to place crystals directly in your water.... seriously, there are so many reasons why you SHOULDN'T do that. However, with the Elixer2Go Crystal Water Bottle, you don't have to; your crystals get to hang out in their own personal pod NEXT to your water,without every touching it! Awesome!!!
Elixer2Go Water Bottles are great for the crystal lover in your life (and that person may well be you :P )! Any crystal you've been carrying around with you can now be used to charge your water, so your body can assimilate the crystal's potential on an even more intimate level - from within.
Additionally, each bottle comes fully loaded with a pre-made crystal blend, if you're looking to gift a bottle to a crystal newbie.
Amethyst + Clear Quartz Blend - heightens intuition, clears energetic blockages and promotes a sense of well being
Rose Quarts + Clear Quartz - balances the heart center, encourages sense of love and compassion for the self and others, clears energetic blockages
Smokey Quartz + Clear Quartz - dispels negative vibrations, draws out impurities, clears energetic blockages
Be sure to specify which blend you're looking for when you buy! We'll direct you to the correct one :) Or, even better, pick out some crystals right here to make your own!

What If Your Blanket Could Heal You While You Sleep?

Hey, Health Stoppers!

tourma blanket
Tourmaline crystals have been known for their healing properties for centuries, but in recent years great strides have been made in the discovery of new uses for the precious stones. Tourmaline textiles are one such up and coming technology, in which tourmaline nano-particles are bound to a fabric for therapeutic use. When worn on the body, these fabrics absorb the body heat and convert it back into far infrared energy, which is redirected back to the body. This far infrared energy then works to heal the body, and mind! The most popular use for tourmaline textiles is tourmaline blankets, as the benefits of tourmaline are best seen when the body is exposed to them during a state of rest.
Each tourmaline particle generates negative ions, providing a multitude of benefits. The effects of tourmaline blankets are staggering! Tourmaline encourages an alkaline environment in the bodylowering the acidity of body tissues. When sleeping beneath a tourmaline blanket, oxidative stress and free radicals can be reducedblood flow and blood oxygen levels can be increased. In this way, tourmaline blankets can reduce inflammation and pain in the body. Tourmaline encourages serotonin production, increasing alpha brain waves and leading to deeper, more restorative sleep. Not only do they promote better sleep, but tourmaline blankets have been found to reduce anxiety, and promote a sense of relaxation. Tourmaline blankets are plush, warm, and comforting. You will never want to sleep without your tourmaline blanket again, once you’ve had one!
But tourmaline isn’t just for humans! Pets are also able to receive the healing benefits of tourmaline, and respond effectively to tourmaline textiles. Tourmaline pet beds are available for your furry friends, providing all the therapeutic benefits seen in humansPain relief, deep healing and anxiety relief are among the effects seen in pets given tourmaline pet beds.
Tourmaline blankets and pet beds are machine washable and tumble without fear of losing the effect of tourmaline crystals, as they are bonded to the fabric. The tourmaline lasts as long as the fabric does!
With the holidays coming around, you may be wondering what to gift your nearest and dearest. With tourmaline blankets and pet beds, you can give the gift of health! There is nothing more valuable than that!

Your Bread Is Covered In Glyphosate! Switch To Something Healthier!

Hey, Health Stoppers! Looking for  a simple way  to make a  positive impact on your health ? Switch out your bread!  I...