Thursday, July 11, 2019

Explore the Possibilities of APeX Water

Hey, Health Stoppers!

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​"The original notion that Oxygen might selectively destroy cancer cells goes back to the 1930s when Nobel Laureate Otto Warburg, M.D., discovered that, since cancer cells are adapted to survive and grow in low-Oxygen (Hypoxic) environments, they would die off if exposed to higher levels of Oxygen.
While that may sound plausible, we now know that Dr. Warburg was not entirely correct. Free Oxygen in the blood doesn’t slow cancer growth. In fact, tumors often grow more rapidly in tissues well supplied with oxygenated blood.
Despite these facts, you can readily find false claims online and elsewhere that Oxygen "therapy" using either ozone, hydrogen peroxide, or pressure chambers can effectively treat cancer (as well as AIDS, heart disease and Alzheimer’s disease). According to the American Cancer Society, there is no credible evidence supporting any of these claims.

Nevertheless, these unproven therapies are in use at clinics in Mexico, across America, and in Europe. Hydrogen peroxide treatment involves diluting this substance and administering it orally, rectally, vaginally, or intravenously.
This is particularly dangerous since large amounts can cause an arterial gas embolism, a condition that can lead to permanent lung damage and, sometimes, death.
Dr. Andrew Weil - (The APeX War - Page 129)

​​(The following scientific observation was written by a world
famous physicist after APeX resolved his serious brain cancer.)
"Based on early investigation of the demonstrated increase of anti-pathogen activity of APeX Focused Oxygen Infusion Nanorobots, the slight negative charge at the APeX Oxygen Nanorobot molecular boundary, which is comprised of Active Oxygen Molecules, allows the Oxygen Nanorobots to be potentiated by, then drawn directly into cancer, pathogen, or pathogen affected cells, collapsing their architecture.
This occurs because the binding electrons of the active Oxygen atoms are more attracted to the pathogenic molecular electronic imbalance than they are to the positive atomic nucleus they surround, which acts as their dolly.
Almost instantly the Oxygen phobic cancer or pathogen cell becomes super oxidized, causing that architecture to instantly collapse - as if a bomb has gone off."
​In his paper he refers to APeX as a "Very fundamental break-through in the understanding of how to get oxygen into the context of hypoxic cancer cell microenvironment ,or directly into the pathogen itself.
APeX is a medical gamechanger, a unique nano-molecular structure I have never witnessed before as a scientist."
Apex water is available for sale at The Health Stop.
Click here for more information : APex Research Institute Website
We'd like to make a note that Apex is a not for profit company; their mission is specifically to help people as best they can.
This information is provided for educational and entertainment purposes only. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Monday, July 1, 2019

Love Your Liver For A Leaner Body!

Hey, Health Stoppers!

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With spring turning into summer, we are shedding out clothingin the presence of warmer weather; which means the world will be seeing more of us! Are we ready? Did you know your liver plays an important part in the appearance of not only your skin, but the amount of fat your body can burn? (Not to mention general regulation of your body's detoxification processes - VERY important.)
The changing of the seasons marks the ideal time to cleanse your body, remove any stagnant toxins, and prepare you for a shift into new beginnings and longer, warmer days! Especially if those days include lounging by the pool with a mojito in hand ...
One of the most important organs in our body, the liver, needs a lot of attention. For those who imbibe in alcoholic substances, and for those who don't - literally living in our modern world is enough to wear out your liver!
The liver also has around 500 functions, so don't go around thinking you don't need to look after it! A healthy liver means a healthy you - so make sure you love your liver! One of the most important functions of the liver is acting as a filter for the body, processing literally everything we digest.
What can you do to give your liver the extra support it needs ?
Milk thistle is a centuries old remedy, its use spanning back as far as Ancient Greece. It draws toxins out of the bodyremoving the accumulation of anything that may cause harm or dis-ease in the body. Though it detoxifies the whole body, milk thistle is primarily known for detoxing the liver - It is VERY good at this.
Historically, it is known to be helpful in treating fatty liver syndrome, psoriasis, cirrhosis, hepatitis, jaundice and more. In addition, milk thistle has been found to lower high cholesterol, help manage diabetes, prevent gallstones and it's high antioxidant count helps prevent damage from free radicals.
And let's not forget to remind you of the aforementioned fat burning potentials of a healthy liver! Milk thistle can get you beach body ready, alongside supporting nearly every process in your body!
milk thistle

Take Your Daily Milk Thistle, And Love your Liver!

It's the only one you have! :)
Come in for your bottle of milk thistle today!

Longer, Stronger, More Lustrous Hair - With Hair Renew!

Hey, Health Stoppers!

hair renew
Do you find your hair to be lackluster? Dull, lifeless, dry? Can't seem to make it grow any longer? Are you experiencing thinning or hair fall?
Hair Renew may just be for you!
What makes Hair Renew stand out?
Millet Seed Oil!
Millet is a small-seeded grass, an ancient grain and staple in the human diet for some 7,000 years. Millet is protein rich, and its extracted oil is high in minerals and amino acids that facilitate hair growth, by supporting the productive of keratin - a major hair building block.
Horsetail Extract!
Horsetail, a Paleozoic fern (another ancient plant!), is high in silica (also known as silicon), a mineral which strengthens hair, nails and bones. Not only does it fortify, but it increases the sheen and luster of your hair and nails! Horsetail is a serious hair growth facilitator!
In addition to these two super-powered hair growth supplements, Hair Renew contains an effective blend of vitamins, minerals and amino acidsthat assist in promoting and boosting hair growth!
We have had people raving about Hair Renew, saying they have never seen a reduction in hair fall with any other supplement!
If long, strong, lustrous hair is on your Summer to-do list... consider picking up a box of Hair Renew!

Do You Have Dirty Genes?

         Hey, Health Stoppers!

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Do You Have Dirty Genes??
Do health issues run in your family? Just can’t lose weight? Do you lack energy? The world of supplemental nutrition is vast… and often times confusing. There are so many different vitamins, minerals and herbs to choose from - who’s to say which is right for you?
With a new superfood or miracle panacea being released every month, it’s hard to determine just what we want, or need, to put into our bodies! But not for long… What if there was a supplement developed specifically for you, based off of your individual DNA sequences?
Sound too good to be true? Maybe once, but the future is now, and so is your ability to acquire your very own customized nutritional supplement!
By identifying 18 different SNPs (Single nucleotide polymorphisms), your DNA sample will be checked for specific genetic predispositions. Some of these include Cholesterol Support, Mitochondrial Function, Healthy Blood Pressure, Inflammatory Response, Detoxification, Weight Management, Free Radical Defense, Vitamin D and B12 Receptors, and more!
Once identified, a specific herbal blend is developed to support your individual SNPs, and encourage them to express in a healthy way within your body! DNA supplementation is like asking your body what it needs, and providing it with what it's calling for! Identify your genetic weaknesses, support with personalized nutrition based on your DNA, and improve the way your genes work! Transform your health in ways you never thought possible!
The concept of DNA supplementation has been in development for years, but the company has just been publicly launched as of October 2018, so it is still very new. If you'd like to read first hand, personal testimonials from those who take these supplements, check out DNA Nutrition Testimonals Uon Facebook! It is a private group, but when you ask to join, simply type in that 'Karen Lauber' invited you to join, and you'll be set to read actual testimonials and conversations from those who are on customized DNA supplementation! Additionally, you can search specifically within the group itself for unique issues they may be seeing results on, such as 'weight loss', 'skin', 'blood pressure', 'migraine', etc.

What Can You Expect?

Those who have begun taking customized DNA supplements have reported amazing things; from weight loss to return of hair pigmentation, younger looking skin, pain reduction, reduced inflammation, migraine relief and more! With a supplement that works specifically for your body, your own DNA can be targeted and personally directed to express in a healthier way!

How To : Prevent UTIs This Summer

Hey, Health Stoppers!

Don't get us wrong... Summer is one of the BEST times of year.
The sunshine, the late nights, the BBQs, the beach, the swimming pools ...
But summer is also the season which sees the highest rates of the dreaded UTI (urinary tract infection) in women.
Swimsuits and bladder health just doesn't mix as nicely as your mojito.
However, there are absolutely steps one can take to prevent a UTI from occurring, and in the event that one does happen, solutions to stop the infection in its tracks ... seriously, get on this.
We all know how painful UTIs can be :(
Cranberry Extract
Cranberries contain a compound known as A-type proanthocydine that coats the inside of your bladder, preventing any bacteria from infecting your bloodstream. Consider it your greatest ally in UTI defense!
type of glucose found in certain fruits, D-Mannose functions similarly to cranberry extract, as harmful bacteria attaches itself to the D-Mannoseinstead of to your bladder walls. Combine this with cranberry extract, and you've got yourself two powerful bladder defenders on your side!
Certain strains of probiotics are great at ejecting bad bacteria from your body, specifically bacteria that causes UTIs! We have a great formula at the Health Stop that is designed for women, containing strains that prevent UTIs and other issues that tend to plague females more frequently than their male counterparts.
In the event that you actually acquire a UTI, we have a powerful formulawhich works to both fight the offensive bacteria AND flush it out of your body.
For more information, and to stock up on your anti-UTI protocol, come down to the shop and we'll help you out :)
Oh, and always.. always... ALWAYS... remember to drink a lot of water!!!
That is your number one prevention for anything and everything under the sun ;) Ancient secret remedy, you are welcome <3

Step Into Summer With An Aloe Vera Detox!

Hey, Health Stoppers!

Aloe Vera has been touted as the 'plant of immortality', helping to reduce a whole gamut of issues, many of them linked to a toxified body. Toxicity can lead to slowed bowels, liver and lung congestion, blood sugar imbalances, skin troubles, allergies, poor digestion and gas, weakened immunity, and general fatigue.
A little sluggishness is a normal side effect of a long winter inside; but it is also something that should be remedied to ensure optimal health going ahead. Detoxing is in order to clear out the gunk, and aloe vera juice is a very potent solution!
The consumption of aloe vera juice can assist with the detoxification of skin, lymph, lungs, liver, kidneys and bowels.
Aloe vera juice helps reduce inflammation in the body, assists digestion, provides allergy relief and boosts immunity.
Aloe vera juice helps balance pH levels and boosts your energy!
Aloe vera juice is great for weight maintenance and loss.
Aloe vera juice even improves your skin health, and helps your body produce more collagen, providing an anti-aging effect!
As you can see, aloe vera juice benefits the body in multiple ways, along with its deep cleansing abilities! If you're feeling a little weighed down from this past winter, try a bottle of aloe vera juice - its surprisingly powerful stuff, for such a soothing little leaf :)
Combine with a whole foods, plant based diet for extra effectiveness.
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And hey, if you haven't realized, it's getting hot outside! Stock up for a nice way to cool down; Down To Earth teas are low calorie, sugar free and full of delicious, detoxing herbs - perfectly in line with your new aloe vera routine! ;)
Also, be sure to check out our super refreshing Eliya King Coconut Water! What makes a King Coconut? High nutritional content than your normal, run of the mill coconut, that's what! As we all know - Nutrients are king!

Calm Your Kids, Pets and Bugs! Master Your Environment With Alchemical Mysts!

Hey, Health Stoppers!

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Fresh from Garden of One, we bring you 3 new exciting sprays!
Kid Kalmer - We love our kids, but let's face it; caring for them is not always the easiest. Spray this essential oil blend around the house to make life easier for you, and your little ones! Best when used for cranky days, new beginnings, before/during/after trauma and during life changes.
Pet Balancer - Pets have feelings, too! If your furry friend is a little on edge, Pet Balancer can soothe and return them to a state of calm. Best when used before/during/after trauma, for over-enthusiasm, when unbalanced and during life changes.
BeGone - Big brand bug sprays are toxic, for your body and the environment! BeGone Bug Repellent keeps mosquitoes, ticks, no-see-ums and more away! Pesky bugs don't have to be part of your summer - and neither does poisoning the environment with toxic chemicals! Win-win!
Sometimes big problems have simple solutions! :)
Become a master of your environment with Garden of One!

Your Old Favorites Have Returned! Regional Allergy Relief and Natural Hair Care Are Yours!

Hey, Health Stoppers!

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Hello all!
We've restocked two well-loved products that haven't graced our shelves in a while... but now they're back! And are a great way addition to get your spring revving, might we add!
dr king
Are you experiencing itchy, watery eyes? Sore throat, coughing, hoarseness, fatigue, runny nose, sneezing, congestion or headaches? All of these are symptoms of exposure to seasonal allergens. Allergy medications come with many side effects, however, and sometimes we'd prefer to not ingest alternatives that might have contraindications. We have an allergy remedy that does not, in the form of a homeopathic remedy!
Dr. King's homeopathic allergy remedies are regionally specific, and contain no harmful ingredients or contraindications! A spray of Dr King's provides immediate relief, and helps to correct your allergy and hay fever symptoms!
Dr. King's remedies are regionally specific, so we carry the blend specifically formulated for the Northeastern United States (aka New Jersey!).
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Looking for an all natural hair care option? Look no further! Desert Essences coconut shampoo and conditioner leave your hair feeling silky smooth and glossy without any added weight!
Desert Essence was founded in 1978 around a simple concept: beauty is natural, and nature is beautiful. By bringing the best of nature's offerings to personal care regimens everywhere, they strive to strengthen the bonds between the planet and all the beings that call it home. Creating a healthy, harmonious relationship with the Earth and community is the foundation for all they do. Desert Essence believes in being responsible to others, honest, and forward-thinking to create and preserve a better future for us all!

Your Bread Is Covered In Glyphosate! Switch To Something Healthier!

Hey, Health Stoppers! Looking for  a simple way  to make a  positive impact on your health ? Switch out your bread!  I...