Hey, Health Stoppers! |
Don't get us wrong... Summer is one of the BEST times of year.
The sunshine, the late nights, the BBQs, the beach, the swimming pools ...
But summer is also the season which sees the highest rates of the dreaded UTI (urinary tract infection) in women.
Swimsuits and bladder health just doesn't mix as nicely as your mojito.
However, there are absolutely steps one can take to prevent a UTI from occurring, and in the event that one does happen, solutions to stop the infection in its tracks ... seriously, get on this.
We all know how painful UTIs can be :(
Cranberry Extract
Cranberries contain a compound known as A-type proanthocydine that coats the inside of your bladder, preventing any bacteria from infecting your bloodstream. Consider it your greatest ally in UTI defense!
A type of glucose found in certain fruits, D-Mannose functions similarly to cranberry extract, as harmful bacteria attaches itself to the D-Mannoseinstead of to your bladder walls. Combine this with cranberry extract, and you've got yourself two powerful bladder defenders on your side!
Certain strains of probiotics are great at ejecting bad bacteria from your body, specifically bacteria that causes UTIs! We have a great formula at the Health Stop that is designed for women, containing strains that prevent UTIs and other issues that tend to plague females more frequently than their male counterparts.
In the event that you actually acquire a UTI, we have a powerful formulawhich works to both fight the offensive bacteria AND flush it out of your body.
For more information, and to stock up on your anti-UTI protocol, come down to the shop and we'll help you out :)
Oh, and always.. always... ALWAYS... remember to drink a lot of water!!!
That is your number one prevention for anything and everything under the sun ;) Ancient secret remedy, you are welcome <3
Cranberry is good for preventing UTI but it is not cure UTI. If you are suffered from UTI then the natural supplements for uti is very useful.