Hey, Health Stoppers! |
Do You Have Dirty Genes??
Do health issues run in your family? Just can’t lose weight? Do you lack energy? The world of supplemental nutrition is vast… and often times confusing. There are so many different vitamins, minerals and herbs to choose from - who’s to say which is right for you?
With a new superfood or miracle panacea being released every month, it’s hard to determine just what we want, or need, to put into our bodies! But not for long… What if there was a supplement developed specifically for you, based off of your individual DNA sequences?
Sound too good to be true? Maybe once, but the future is now, and so is your ability to acquire your very own customized nutritional supplement!
By identifying 18 different SNPs (Single nucleotide polymorphisms), your DNA sample will be checked for specific genetic predispositions. Some of these include Cholesterol Support, Mitochondrial Function, Healthy Blood Pressure, Inflammatory Response, Detoxification, Weight Management, Free Radical Defense, Vitamin D and B12 Receptors, and more!
Once identified, a specific herbal blend is developed to support your individual SNPs, and encourage them to express in a healthy way within your body! DNA supplementation is like asking your body what it needs, and providing it with what it's calling for! Identify your genetic weaknesses, support with personalized nutrition based on your DNA, and improve the way your genes work! Transform your health in ways you never thought possible!
The concept of DNA supplementation has been in development for years, but the company has just been publicly launched as of October 2018, so it is still very new. If you'd like to read first hand, personal testimonials from those who take these supplements, check out DNA Nutrition Testimonals Uon Facebook! It is a private group, but when you ask to join, simply type in that 'Karen Lauber' invited you to join, and you'll be set to read actual testimonials and conversations from those who are on customized DNA supplementation! Additionally, you can search specifically within the group itself for unique issues they may be seeing results on, such as 'weight loss', 'skin', 'blood pressure', 'migraine', etc.
What Can You Expect?
Those who have begun taking customized DNA supplements have reported amazing things; from weight loss to return of hair pigmentation, younger looking skin, pain reduction, reduced inflammation, migraine relief and more! With a supplement that works specifically for your body, your own DNA can be targeted and personally directed to express in a healthier way!
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